Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Monday, June 6, 2022

Welcome to the Crypt of Dead and Deceased Spirits and Souls of a Civilization

 Welcome to the Crypt of Dead and Deceased Spirits and Souls of a Civilization

Have you ever Experienced an Extinction of a Planet in your lifetime? What if all of your Biological and Ancestry Family Members were reported to be in a Casket and Coffin. Could Someone who Experienced this Have alot of Grief or Bereavement? What would it be like if you could Communicate with your Family who lives in mainly the Afterlife and or in Heaven. What if you ended up with the Power or Divine Force to be Resurrected and or Experienced Rebirth as a New Life Form or the Same Life as a Human or Person, But What would happen if you could All of a Sudden Communicate with a Friendly Snake of your Ancestry from your Past and Present and Future. Do you Remember the Story of a Realm of Darkness with Creatures and Divine Spirits that enter a Gate or Portal from Hell and or a Tomb in a Different World

What if you Experienced Death and Decay in your lifetime and you were turned into a Necromancer either in the Same Life or a 17th Life that you Lived on a Planet, Would you be Surprised if you lived a Eternal Castle and Palace in Hell or in the Afterlife with Spiritual and Sacrificial Guidance to lead the Way to be a White Lighter Angel or a Dark Devil?

What if Lived in a Catacomb and or Labyrinth in a Whole Different Magical or Supernatural World?  Wonder what it would be Like to be the Creator or a Ruler of your own Civilization and Start your own Colony and be the Only one who can Enter a Spiritual Force with Elementalisms and Guidance of Wizards and Witches, Gods and Goddesses, Holy Creators of a Universe?

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