Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Monday, July 18, 2022

Help Setup a Future and Help Make a Difference to those in Need

 Help Setup a Future and Help Make a Difference to those in Need

Necropolis and Ancient, Graveyard and Cemetery, Sorcerer and Stone

Cross and Tomb, New Life and Wildlife, Wilderness and Nature

Outdoors and Bird Watching, Wizard and Witch, Community and Society

Planet and Change, Civilization and Creation, Love and Romance

Endless and Infinite, Stars and Moon, Disgrace and Sadness

Believe and Belief, Primitive and Medieval Living, Gardening and Beautiful Scenery

Landscape and Environment, Fantasy and Fairy Tale, Baby and Infant

Divine and Supernatural, Castle and Palace, Basic Shelter and Future Planning

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