Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Monday, July 25, 2022

Do you Know When you Will end up Extinct and or Expire or be Forsaken in life

 Do you Know When you Will end up Extinct and or Expire in Life

If you thought Life was going to be Easy think Again, 40 Years has gone by

what if your Path to Enlightenment and the Belief your Life was Worth Living

was going to be Set in a Sad and Forsaken Passage, What if you Saw the Apocalypse

or a Major World Ending Collision with an Asteroid Field Crashing and Completely Wiping

you off the Map, well it happened to our Biological and Ancestry Family! and Apparently 

Knew it Was Coming and What if you saw It Coming? and No one believed you? What if your 

World was on a path of Extinction or Expire in the next 60 Years? Well if your Like me you 

would do Everything to make sure you Survived? Perhaps Change the way you live your Life

or focus on a Different Perspective when it comes to Freedom and or Living the Rest of 

your Life Hidden or preparing for Living in a Cave or Deep Underground like 200 Feet 

under the Surface, Far Away from others and a Hard to Find Type of Living, What If you Knew 

Darkness was Coming? Would you be Prepared, for a Major Planet Ending Event that most 

likely will be here by 2080? What if there was No Employment and your Electricity was Obsolete

and your Equipment and Tools were Not Affective? Would you know how to Survive off the Land

or off the Grid? Did you Get Proper Training to Survive a Planet Extinction or if you were

the only Survivor? Would you be able to Take care of yourself? or Knew what to do?

Your Mentality and Energy would be at an Extreme High, and Your Survival and Moral would 

be in Effect and Active if you were the only one who could Change it?

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