Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Friday, December 10, 2021

Are you Seeing Invincible Spirits and Humans of the Deceased? Are you having these Issues in your Life?

 There will be a Time when you End up Seeing Ghosts or Spirits of the Deceased in your Life

You are Having Weird and Scary Nightmares 

Such as People you never Met, Vampires and Banshees

People are Talking to you in your Mind, Such as Having Serious premonitions and Visions

The Weirdest Things are Happening, Such as the Birds and Squirrels Seem to be Following you

And the Animals our Behaving Awkward around you, 

You have Weird Sensations All over your Body

You Believe you are Superior and God, you are Having Dreams and Nightmares of King Arthur

You like to Argue with others, Perhaps you worked in the 

Business Industry as a Manager or Boss

You may also like doing your own stuff Independently 

and do not like others telling you what to Do

You May have Different Opinions or Views then your Family, on Politics or Life

You do not want Help or Assistance from others, you would Rather do it Yourself

You have Serious Issues and Feel Alone and Suicidal in Life, Everything has been Diminished

You are on the Verge of Being Homeless and Losing it all

you are now in Emergency Mode and Focusing on Survival

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