Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Burn and Fire, Pride and Joy, Hope and Faith, It's all a Lie. Planet will be Destroyed

How Dare you Leave Me Burned into Ashes and the Fire

What is Pride and What is Joy, Hope and Faith

It's all a Lie, What is the Point of Life

When Everybody is Addicted to the Computer and Electronics

This Planet Has Completely Been Destroyed Go Ahead and Get some Fresh Air 

Burn into the Concept of Slavery, and the Subject of Fear and Worry Seems to Attract Attention

You Believe Everything, Television and Tv Distorts the Truth 

Apply for Loans and or Deal with Forclosure and Mortgage of your House 

and End up in Debt and Bankrupt, This Country and Nation is not Land of the Free

It Could be Land of the Poor and Forgotten, The End of all Eternity

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