Start of an Ancient City Civilization

Start of an Ancient City Civilization
The Beginning and Creation of a Necropolis and The Start of the Middle Ages and Medieval Town


Magical Community, Spacetime Continuum, Heaven or Hell? Which would you Choose?

Monday, January 10, 2022

Will the World be Destroyed will your Biological Family go Extinct? Disowned and Disinherited and Control of the Spacetime Continuum

 Welcome will the World be Destroyed? Will your Biological Family Go Extinct?

Your Family Seems to be Completely Abandoning you and Neglect your Desires

Welcome to the History of Fire and the Subject of Nazi Germany, Nazi and Germany

Dictatorship and Country, Wonder what happened in the Real Holocaust, Are they Lying to you?

The Truth on this Country, You Now Dislike and Hate, Anything related to Homosexuality

You have 2 Families or More, and May have Nazi Beliefs (History) in your Family and Ancestry

How does it Feel when you Believe you been Disowned 

by your Family and Disinherit for Property 

You have Soviet Union and Iceland, Ancestry in your Family Tree, He is the Ruler of the Country

You Believe you were born on a Spaceship, you Are in Control of Trillions of Planets and Space

It Seems like Everyone here are Slaves and all they think about is Themselves

but not the Security of this Nation and or Country

I wonder how it Feels to be an Ultimate Wizard of the Sea 

Hes in Control of the Spacetime Continuum and Uncharted Territory of Space

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